Netflix and Kill: Witches Edition

Let's see what is on the three witches' queue for this Christmas season. 

#1: The Society

Lets put people in a difficult position, not give them much information, and see what aspects of their human nature come out. What could go wrong? 
...Anything sound familiar? For the witches, many aspects of this show would. They would thoroughly enjoy watching a few hundred teenagers attempt to set up a functioning way to run a town that only they live in, with no adults or younger kids. While some of the kids can live up to the task, others let the evil and selfish sides of their personality come out, which reaks chaos in the town. But above all, the questions concerning why they were abandoned, what bigger forces are at play, or what their test is, are consistently being asked by these young adults. Perhaps some supernatural forces are at play? Only those responsible for the children's abandonment are in control, and in the end, are the ones getting the final laugh. 

Image result for alice in wonderland movie#2: Alice in Wonderland

Was it real or was it all a dream? That's a concept we see a lot of in Macbeth, and its also a concept the witches would love to see be toyed with for 108 minutes straight. Lots of weather that changes based on what is about to happen, mystical creatures with ominous messages, and hard choices that the main character must make while she considers the possible consequences... what's not to love? The witches would surely go down a rabbit hole with this one, potentially using some of the Cheshire Cat's tactics as inspiration. An extra plus would be the strong female lead who is overflowing with courage and strength. (do I spy some gender-bending?)

#3: Beauty and the Beast

Are people simply to be judged by their exteriors and appearances or will their true selves and reality come out? This concept is the center of the adored movie Beauty and the Beast (plus, who doesn't love Emma Watson?), as a hideous creature must try to find someone to love his tender heart, despite his rough exterior.  This would be a refreshing change for the witches, as in Macbeth their lives are filled with the exact opposite. People, instead of appearing terrible and actually being kind, tend to appear innocent when they actually have committed terrible deeds (*cough cough* Lady Macbeth and Macbeth *cough cough*). 

This along with the idea of everyone getting what they deserve in the end (after all, this is a classic Disney movie) would surely please these witches. I can see them sitting back to relax one evening with this feel-good movie, reminding them that bad endings will come to those who deserve it, as all actions are connected and part of the Great Chain of Being.

#4: Would You Rather

When faced with a decision to either do what is in your and your loved ones' best interests or potentially harm yourself and others... what would you do? The three witches would most certainly love watching the aspects of human nature tear at themselves in this film, which is filled with mystery, blood, and deception. A group of people, all in dire need of money, are invited to a dinner party. However, upon arriving they learn that they must compete in a game of would you rather-- where they have to choose between two terrible options, one usually hurting themselves and the other involving hurting others. Will self-interest outweigh moral judgment? In this case, the witches will just have to sit back and see. 

#5: Charlie's Angles

All the best things come in threes. Especially when it comes to powerful, badass women. Just look at the witches of Macbeth, and the three secret spies called Chalie's Angels. These three witches would certainly have a good time cheering on these “angels” as they take on the world. Other than the obvious parallels, Charlie’s Angles is also related to these witches as it is all about control, gender-bending, and violence. 

The concept of good vs evil is also extremely evident in this movie, as these girls are fighting evil in the form of men who commit crimes. But the waters are murky when it comes to appearance and reality... after all, what could be dangerous or threatening about three pretty girls? 


  1. I like how you really examined the characterization of the witches and how you then paired these characteristics with themes within movies. I like how you incorporated themes like the great chain of being and the theme of the supernatural and then found these in movies that one might not immediately reflect these ideas even when they are present.


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