Practice IOC

Here is my practice:

Here is the link to my recording: here

Here is my scoring:

Criteria A: 5

I gave myself a 5 because I thought I did what I was supposed to do, but didn't think I went above that. I believe that I made some good points about Atwood's purpose but should have elaborated more.

Criteria B: 5

I gave myself a 5 because, once again, I thought I did what I was supposed to do, nothing less and nothing more. I identified and elaborated on techniques Atwood used and attempted to make broader generalizations about them and their use.

Criteria C: 4

I felt like this practice was organized and coherent and that I kept the structure that I wanted to keep throughout. I could have made this clearer using keywords like firstly, secondly, etc.

Criteria D: 3

I was nervous doing this because I don't like having to listen to myself speak and so I think this made me lose some of my thoughts and drag sentences out. However, I said what I needed to say in a (more or less) clear way.


  1. Hey Ashley!

    Avoid too much plot summary🡪 Jump into techniques or devices used and let summary happen naturally if it helps to explain significance or effect

    Provide effect & significance for any device or technique: REMEMBER what your thesis/purpose is🡪any statement you make needs to link back to it

    A: 7
    B: 5
    C: 3


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